We’re changing the game.

Put your cash behind the entrepreneurs who are leveling up on investment returns and their positive impact on the world.

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Buy shares in an investment of your choice

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Watch your money grow as the business grows throughout the investment period

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After holding onto your investment for 3+ years you can potentially get your initial money back + profits*

*Projected returns are based on forecasted financial projections


Gain profits from your investment
  • Invest in a business of your choice
  • The business grows
  • Your shares grow in value
  • At the end of the term you sell your shares
  • Enjoy the returns!
How shares increase in value
  • After carefully examining each business, we determine its value
  • The money invested by the crowd will help the business to grow, expand, and make profits
  • As the business becomes more valuable over time, your investment goes up in value
New investments
  • When a company decides to offer its shares for sale on our platform, anyone, can invest in it
  • You can buy as many shares as you like. When enough people invest to meet the raise minimum amount, you’ll get issued your shares
Woman laughing drinking coffee
Why wait 3+ years?
  • Your investment needs enough time to mature as the business you’ve invested in grows and increases in size and value
  • At the end of the investment term, we’ll sell the shares at market value and give you back your initial investment along with any profits earned

*Projected returns are based on forcasted financial projections

How we choose & list investments
  • We scout the continent for exciting businesses
  • We do in-depth due diligence on each potential business to ensure the best returns for you
  • We present each business to our Investment Committee
  • We list the investment on our platform